Why Linguarte?

Our book

Linguarte’s books are unique and were created to respond to the need to teach the language to communicate and use it in real contexts.

It is proven that to speak a language you do not need grammar exercises or a focus on writing. On the contrary, you need to communicate and repeat as much as possible.

Therefore, our books teach you the words necessary to complete communication tasks and remember them. Each lesson is divided into small scenes easy to understand and from that point with questions and games you start speaking using those words and structures.

Each lesson in the book gives you a group of the most important words in each context (for example, in the restaurant, on the trip) and progressively gives you more elaborate structures. This is complemented by the active class where the teacher supports each student’s conversation in these structures so you can quickly learn them.

Grammar and structures are learned by practicing with them and playing without the need of grammar exercises.

The entire Linguarte book is divided into three parts, each containing lessons on current topics and covering the vocabulary native speakers use in real life.


You should not adapt to the teacher, he will adapt to your needs

Linguarte offers the flexibility to schedule your lessons according to your time and place needs. It is possible to combine lessons either in the morning, afternoon or evening according to your availability. Also, the flexibility of the method allows to be adjusted to your specific needs

Personalized Attention

The class is by you and for you

Linguarte offers a method that stimulates direct interaction between the student and the teacher. This increases both the learning pace and individualized attention. Likewise, we want to promote interaction with other students in an environment of no more than 4 students per group.

Ease to learn

Learning has never been easier

Learning a language requires a lot of practice and repetition. We are aware of this. This is why our method is built to teach you the things you need in order to be practiced and repeated. You will be surprised with the speed with which you can learn and without realizing it. With Linguarte, learning a language is possible for everyone.

Learning method

Grammar is a means to learn, not the goal.

Possibly all of us have had language courses that used a lot of grammar and endless written practices. However, this form of learning does not prepare us to have a conversation in a real situation.

We didn’t like this so we decided to fix it. Therefore, we created  the method Linguarte under two principles:

The first considers that communication takes place in situations where grammar is not an end but a means. Communicating is the priority and grammar is a tool. We need to speak and use the grammar, not to focused on written exercises with the grammar.

The second principle considers that when communicating, we focus on specific tasks that we want to accomplish. And for this, if we want to learn well, we must be able to speak about everyday situations closed to our lives and needs.

The union of both principles guarantees an improvement of learning and fluency to speak without forgetting the other skills necessary to the successful learning of a language (listening, writing and reading).

In addition, our method encourages an active and cooperative participation of the students in an atmosphere of high motivation and confidence where your time and effort will worth when communicating with other people.